Music before anything ...
Two weeks ago I'm at the Opera of Dijon and already my trial period ends. Two short weeks to settle into a studio where I'm actually very little, so far remains almost empty, especially without the internet, hence my silence.
There would be many things to say about the discovery of the French musical world!
passionate people I met, the moaners, musicians union, program managers for projects incredible people committed to their work and others who have never liked the music. And yes, you meet people of all kinds in an opera house, all kinds of professions also: artists, people from the administration, but also technicians, assemblers decor, manufacturers of suits, and even ... Baby! (Referring to the last show that featured children 18 laws to 3 years!)
In two weeks I must have seen very little, but in any case I understand why we speak of a house opera rather than an opera house: we're working on the day, spends his evenings at the theater, in short, they live there!
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