Monday, June 28, 2010

Mexican Style Dishware

(continued) THE VEIL

Always directed by George Waggner, "GENESIS" is the 6th episode of the series . The 2
son of a farmer died, John Haney Sr., tear following the last wishes the deceased, which apparently suggests that the farm is up to the eldest, James, an idler who preferred to travel the world instead of dealing with family matters at the expense of John Jr., who has maintained the farm while his father was seriously ill ... their poor mother Emma is overtaken by events.
John Jr. receives a message from beyond issued by the specter of her late father who tells him he must seek and find his old Bible: the solution to recover her rights she would be ...
John Jr. is assisted by Jonas ATTERBURY (Boris Karloff), lawyer and executor ... A new episode
Ghostly wish to ...


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